You are welcome to comment. I enjoy comments — if I didn’t, I wouldn’t provide the capability to post comments on my site.
That said, my website is not an open forum to discuss anything and everything you wish. I provide commenting capabilities to allow people to discuss the ideas I present in my writings.
Therefore, I reserve the right to edit or delete comments at any time for any reason. Some reasons that I might choose to do so include:
- Personal attacks against myself or any other individuals
- Excessive profanity or graphic descriptions
- Overtly bigoted language based on race, gender, orientation, nationality, or religion
- Illegally distributed content, including copyrighted material and spam
- Links to affiliate websites/products, spun “articles”, pornography, or other material with which I do not wish to associate my site
- Anything that doesn’t at least nominally relate to the page/post on which the comment appears, or which is otherwise off-topic
See Also