I’m pretty stoked – I had a list published today at McSweeney’s Internet Tendency titled Common Sense Solutions to Alt-Pop Song Problems. I got the idea while listening to Matchbox 20’s song “3 AM” at 7 in the evening. I was eating the Chicago Classic at Uno’s.
The line “the clock on the wall has been stuck at 3 for days and days” really seemed to bother me – or perhaps I was simply in a bad humor because the keyboard and trackpad on my Mac, which I had just taken in for repairs, was not working. Regardless, my rational mind reasoned that if the clock’s stoppage bothered the narrator that much, then perhaps he should simply replace the batteries. Or wind it. Or re-swing the pendulum.
From there, I began to contemplate other issues that singer-songwriters in the 90s (and one or two in the late 80s) seemed to have. You’ll recall that was the height of popularity of the “alternative” movement, and everyone seemed to think that bitching in song was awesome. Not saying they were wrong, just setting the tone.
Having done this in-depth analysis of the Bush/Clinton-era zeitgeist, I realized one thing in particular: That many of the problems people had back then have relatively easy solutions. Much like many of the problems people had before that time period. And many of the problems people have today.
I’m so deep.