Esoteric Holiday Song #6 – Coldplay “Christmas Lights”


Yes, Coldplay. I know what you’re thinking: “He’s gone off his m——f—ing gourd.” [WARNING: explicit explicitness at the other end of that link]

I don’t judge you for judging me, but I do stand by my choice. This is a good song. Not happy good (what did you expect?), but good nonetheless.

Musically, it’s pretty much what you’d expect from Coldplay: Pounding piano over droning strings. If that turns you off, don’t listen to it.

The lyrics tell the story of a man who goes out of his house on Christmas night looking for the love he lost because of that most basic element of human stupidity, to wit, pride. The feeling manifests metaphorically in the lack of snow.

When you’re still waiting for the snow to fall
Doesn’t really feel like Christmas at all

Halfway through the song, the music changes time. The musical change also serves as a narrative counterpoint, at which the man realizes his search is useless. The shift of the rhythm from frantic to lilting coincides with the narrator’s expression of hope that the Christmas lights he sees will guide his lost love to him again.

Those Christmas lights light up the street
Maybe they’ll bring her back to me
And then all my troubles will be gone
Oh, Christmas lights, keep shinin’ on

The video highlights the story told by the lyrics, beginning with a personal close-up and eventually ending with a panoramic view of Christmas lights and fireworks at the edge of a river.

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