So, today my essay “‘I’ve Never Met Anyone I Didn’t Disappoint’: In Your Eyes‘ Flaws and Fortes” came out as part of the revised and updated edition of Joss Whedon: The Complete Companion, making this my second essay published on Whedon’s works. And of course, in a Whedonesque twist, it’s already outdated.
Don’t worry, there’s nothing too bad. I just vainly (or is that “in vain”) re-read the essay, and pretty much everything still applies, especially all of the critical analysis of the story. I haven’t done any in-depth searches on it in awhile to see what else others have written in regard to the story.
However, since I originally wrote this essay at the tail end of last summer, I do feel compelled to note that the digital distribution has expanded well beyond the initial $5 Vimeo rental model (although, that does still exist). Specifically, it is available on the two biggest subscription-based digital video outlets, Netflix and Amazon Instant Video.
Perhaps even more exciting, the movie also came out on DVD in February, though unfortunately there is no Blu-ray version. I am still a big fan of physical media, and I will probably buy a copy sometime when my budget allows.
Both of these developments are positive, of course, providing more people access to see the movie.
Like I said, I don’t think this changes much of my analysis, certainly not the story-related parts and the responses to early criticisms of the movie, anyway. Whether it changes anything else I write in my essay – well, I look forward to reading what others have to write about it.