Get ready for something pretty dang brilliant. One week from today, Kat & Curt’s TV Re-View is launching, and you’ll want to be there to see it (er, hear it) take off.
Maybe I should back up. A few months ago, I was having a conversation with fellow Mythgardian Kat Sas about some of our favorite TV shows. There were a few we both liked, but we shared mutual feelings of appallment when we realized that we each had a favorite show which the other hadn’t seen.
“What?!” Kat said in shock and dismay. “You’ve never seen Doctor Who?!”
“What?!” I replied in equal amounts of amazement and hysteria. “You’ve never watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer?!”
So, in the grand tradition of things like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups or mint jelly on lamb, we decided to smush together two things that no normal people would ever smush together. The result is a new podcast that tastes pretty darn good.
And we think you’ll like it, too. Even if you’ve only seen one of these shows — or haven’t seen either — you’ll be able to follow along pretty easily. Kat’s introducing me to the Doctor, and I’m introducing her to Buffy, and in that way we’ll introduce both of them to you. Having recorded the first couple episodes already, I have to say it’s a pretty enjoyable discussion, and we’ve found a lot of neat little parallels in discussing these shows side by side.
If you’re interested in learning more, we’ve got a little introduction on the Kat & Curt’s TV Re-View website that you can listen to with your ears, and some text you can read with your eyes. So head on over and check it out. You can even subscribe to the podcast feed right now in your favorite podcast listening-type application so you don’t miss out on the awesomeness that is to come.
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