I wrote this back when my Mythgard class was talking about C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Not sure how good it is, but hey, you can let me know.
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
goin to the country #bombssuck
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
check out this wardrobe I found: pinterest.com/pin/47147127318515647/ #old #furniture
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
why’s it so cold in here?
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
and the coats are prickly
Tumnus the Faun @Tumnus
Guess who I ran into today–a Daughter of Eve! #forreal #myths #tfot1
Fenris Ulf @UlfRhymesWithWolf
@Tumnus dude why u tweet that???? Now I gotta bring u in
Peter Pevensie @PeterPev
WTF has gotten into Lu? Fauns, witches, Narnia!?!?!
Narnia Customer Service @NarniaCS
@PeterPev Hi, I’m Samantha, a Dryad of Narnia. I can answer any questions you may have. #sd
Edmund Pevensie @EddieTheGreat
lu’s driving me batty ima sneak up on her
Edmund Pevensie @EddieTheGreat
OMG just had the BEST turkish delight EVAR! #wantmore
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
@EddieTheGreat So glad you found Narnia too!!
Edmund Pevensie @EddieTheGreat
@LucyPev what u talkin bout?
Prof. Kirke @DigoryDoc
What do they teach in these schools? #education
Susan Pevensie @SuzeLuvsShoes
The Macready’s on the loose. She’s gonna have a fit if she catches us
Peter Pevensie @PeterPev
RT: @SuzeLuvsShoes The Macready’s on the loose. She’s gonna have a fit if she catches us
Tom Noddy @TommyNoddy
@PeterPev hey bro when u comin back to L-town? #bored
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
@Tumnus just passed the lamppost, stopping by w/ my brothers and sister
Tumnus the Faun @Tumnus
[This account has been removed for violation of the Terms of Service]
Mr. Beaver @MrBeaver
@LucyPev Follow me!
@LucyPev is now following @MrBeaver
@PeterPev is now following @MrBeaver
@SuzeLuvsShoes is now following @MrBeaver
@EddieTheGreat is now reluctantly following @MrBeaver
Mrs. Beaver @MrsBeaver
Wish I could sew, but @MrBeaver’s coming back soon and I have potatoes to peel
Edmund Pevensie @EddieTheGreat
turkish delight > trout
Peter Pevensie @PeterPev
@EddieTheGreat Why’d you jet? Where are you? Not cool.
Mrs. Beaver @MrsBeaver
Sewing machine 🙁
Susan Pevensie @SuzeLuvsShoes
No pillow, but who knew beaver hair was so soft?
Fenris Ulf @UlfRhymesWithWolf
@LucyPev @PeterPev @SuzeLuvsShoes @MrBeaver @MrsBeaver don’t sleep tight. ima get you.
Red Dwarf @KingDwarf
I’m so gonna slit that arrogant little Son of Adam’s throat tomorrow
Father Christmas @FatherAslanmas
Ah, Narnia. Haven’t been here in ages.
Narnia Customer Service @NarniaCS
@FatherAslanmas Hi, I’m Amanda, a Naiad of Narnia. I can answer any questions you may have. #an
Peter Pevensie @PeterPev
My new Christmas sword: twitpic.com/8it36j
Tom Noddy @TommyNoddy
@PeterPev Christmas? It’s July. Shouldn’t eat wild mushrooms, bro
Edmund Pevensie @EddieTheGreat
metatweeting with my hands tied behind my back. im da king
Edmund Pevensie @EddieTheGreat
8a89yc98h4cn 1438s9as-la
Edmund Pevensie @EddieTheGreat
damn dwarf just made me drop my phone
Jadis, Empress of Charn and Queen of Narnia @QueenOfNarnia74
Where’d all my beautiful snow go?
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
Spring!! Yay!!!!
Susan Pevensie @SuzeLuvsShoes
Blister. #frownyface
Peter Pevensie @PeterPev
Okay, I’ve been traveling with beavers for like four days now, but this talking animal thing is still kinda weird
Tom Noddy @TommyNoddy
@PeterPev You better share some of what you got
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
Oh!! @Aslan is so pretty!!! #luvcats
Susan Pevensie @SuzeLuvsShoes
I wonder what would happen if I dangled a ribbon above @Aslan’s head
Aslan @Aslan
@SuzeLuvsShoes Don’t. Seriously. Don’t.
@PeterPev is now @PeterFenrisBane
Peter Fenris-Bane @PeterFenrisBane
Doh! Forgot to clean my sword.
Mrs. Beaver @MrsBeaver
OMEbtS2 the witch actually showed up #wow
Edmund Pevensie @EddieTheGreat
Just had a long talk with @Aslan. That cat is seriously chill. I feel like a new man.
@EddieTheGreat is now @JustEddie
Aslan @Aslan
Feeling so emo right now. Gonna prowl for a bit.
Jadis, Empress of Charn and Queen of Narnia @QueenOfNarnia74
Deep Magic FTW! #AslansDead
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
Just watched @Aslan die. So sad. #AslansDead
Peter Pevensie @PeterPev
#RIP @Aslan #AslansDead
Edmund the Just @JustEddie
I can’t express how sad I am at the loss of @Aslan #AslansDead
Mr. Beaver @MrBeaver
I never would’ve believed the witch could kill @Aslan #AslansDead
Mrs. Beaver @MrsBeaver
He was such a strong and gentle lion. I’m so glad to have seen @Aslan once before he was gone.#AslansDead
Trending topic: #AslansDead
Aslan @Aslan
@QueenOfNarnia74 Deeper Magic, biatch!!! #booyah
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
@Aslan Loveeeeeee U!!! <3 #smooch #AslansBack
Susan Pevensie @SuzeLuvsShoes
I thought @Aslan was a ghost! LOL #AslansBack
Aslan @Aslan
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
I swear I just saw the trees bending down!! #AslansBack
Trending Topic: #AslansBack
Aslan @Aslan
#FF @Rumblebuffin @Tumnus @ExpatAlsation @TheOtherLion
Alsatian Hound @ExpatAlsatian
Helping @Aslan round up the other critters #barkhunt
Tumnus the Faun @Tumnus
Good to be back. Restoring an account here is a PITH3
Edmund the Just @JustEddie
Broke the witch’s wand! FTW!
Peter Fenris-Bane @PeterFenrisBane
@Aslan uh we could use a little help here
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
@PeterFenrisBane Aslan said to tell you we’re on our way. He can’t tweet and trot.
@MrBeaver is now @BucktoothWarrior
Mr. Beaver @BucktoothWarrior
That’s the last time an evil tree will ever laugh at my teeth
Mrs. Beaver @MrsBeaver
@BucktoothWarrior Can’t you ever be serious? There’s a war going on, you know.
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
Who knew being a nurse could be so hard?
Peter Fenris-Bane @PeterFenrisBane
I’m High King. #holycrap
Tom Noddy @TommyNoddy
@PeterFenrisBane seriously bro whatever uv been popping bring some back to London wit u
Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev
@Aslan misssss u!
Edmund the Just @JustEddie
When I suggested a stag party, this isn’t quite what I had in mind #whitestag
Peter Fenris-Bane @PeterFenrisBane
What be this post upon which a lamp is set? #ponderings
Prof. Kirke @DigoryDoc
What do they teach in these schools? #education
1. #tfot = top fauns on twitter
2. OMEbtS = Oh My Emperor-beyond-the-Sea
3. PITH = Pain in the Hoof
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