This is a roughly chronological delivery of the things that crossed my mind when I read that Bryan Singer was going to direct an adaptation of Robert Heinlein’s The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.
1. Yes! I love that book! Finally they’re gonna make it into a movie!
2. Bryan Singer – is he the guy who did Pushing Daisies and Dead Like Me? Oh, wait, no, that was Bryan Fuller. What did Bryan Singer do again?
3. Why does IMDb take so long to load? And what’s with the “b” at the end – shouldn’t it just be IMD? Or to be consistent, InMvDb? What was I looking up again?
4. Oh, okay, Singer is the guy who did The Usual Suspects. And Apt Pupil. And the X-Men movies. Those were all pretty good.
5. Wait, they’re not going to use Tim Minear’s script? Which reminds me, I should read that.
6. Now I kind of wish it was Bryan Fuller, since he worked with Minear on Wonderfalls.
7. Oh, great, and they’re changing the name as well. To Uprising.
8. So, if the title is any indication, they’re basically going to focus on the whole revolution plot without any of the stuff about how the moon’s environment leads to different economic and political considerations.
9. I bet they won’t even mention line marriages. Or rational anarchism.
10. This movie’s gonna suck.