Unemployment: Day 7

Hard to believe it’s been a week already. It’s funny how quickly we can settle into a “new normal,” even if we hope that it’s not normal for long.

Moving On

I moved a lot as I grew up. By the time I graduated high school, I lived in 9 cities in 3 states and went to 8 different schools in 7 school districts. That life had it’s challenges for a variety of reasons, but if there’s one thing it taught me, it’s that when it’s time to move on, you pack up and move.

That’s not to say you don’t miss the people you used to see or the things you used to do. It’s easier to keep in touch with people now than it was In the late 1900s—as the Gen Zers refer to my childhood and teenage years—but it’s still a bit lonely when you go from seeing and chatting with certain people every day for years, to being essentially cut out of the loop.

Moving on though…I think that I’m in as good of a spot as I can be. It’s a transitional spot, a liminal one, even. A week from now I’ll be in a new one, as I will a week after that.

If all goes well, not too many weeks from now, I’ll find a spot to stick around for awhile.

“Just Keep Swimming”

I recently referenced Dory’s famous catchphrase in the response to a comment by my friend Angela. The more I think about it, the more I think Dory’s right.

I used to be a swimmer. I was a lifeguard at several summer camps in high school and college, and I taught swimming as a water safety instructor. I even played intramural water polo for a bit in college. I’ve always loved the feeling of moving through and being surrounded by water.

I’ve been swimming metaphorically for a week now. Swimming away from the old job, through a morass of doubt and uncertainty, and hopefully, toward something better.

At this point, I’m going to try and enjoy swimming for the exercise it is.