
Top Goodreads Librarians (Jan 2025)

On Being a Top Goodreads Librarian

I’m a Top 30 librarian on Goodreads (in the last week). Have you ever learned something about yourself that made you think—um, whut? Yet at the same, it made complete sense? That’s where my head’s at right now. Let me back up and explain how I got here. Growth of a Goodreads Librarian Goodreads started […]

The Queue of Fortune (Wheel of Fortune)

Unemployment: Day 2

This past Tuesday I started reading “The Consolation of Philosophy” by Boethius. (In English translation—it’s been a long time since I studied Latin.) In hindsight, that may have been a mistake. For those who haven’t read it, my very reductionist summary is this: Boethius, in exile and about to be executed, gaslights himself into believing


Heinlein Novels and Cats

International Cat Day was a few days ago. Being a fan of Robert Heinlein – who frequently included cats in his stories – I started a discussion on Facebook about which of his stories do not have cats in them. While a number of people provided feedback on stories in which they remembered (or didn’t remember) with


Starship Troopers (Review) – Virginia Edition, Vol. 3

This post is part of a series on the Virginia Edition of Robert A. Heinlein’s works. I have been excited to get to this book, not only because I have read (or rather, listened to) it before and enjoyed it, but also because it signals a run of much shorter books than the first two


Time Enough For Love (Review) – Virginia Edition, Vol. 2

This post is part of a series on the Virginia Edition of Robert A. Heinlein’s works. It’s been almost a year since I reviewed the first volume of the Virgina Edition, I Will Fear No Evil. I didn’t intend for there to be such a long hiatus, but things got in the way. Also, there is the

Benjamin De Casseres & H. P. Lovecraft

De Casseres and Lovecraft

I have written before about my obsession with Benjamin De Casseres. I lay the blame for this obsession squarely at Mythgard‘s feet, as I first discovered him through a 1936 pamphlet he wrote titled “The Individual against Moloch” while researching the paper I went on to present on Moloch at Mythmoot II. And I blame the


Building Fantasy Worlds

The Guardian book blog posted a piece earlier today arguing that fantasy cannot build its imaginary worlds in short fiction. The crux of the argument is that fantasy authors need not just novels, but mega-novels (single stories split into multiple volumes, like The Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire) to build out their ideas. Rather than simply acknowledging that

Joss Whedon: The Complete Companion (Revised)

In Your Eyes essay notes and addenda

So, today my essay “‘I’ve Never Met Anyone I Didn’t Disappoint’: In Your Eyes‘ Flaws and Fortes” came out as part of the revised and updated edition of Joss Whedon: The Complete Companion, making this my second essay published on Whedon’s works. And of course, in a Whedonesque twist, it’s already outdated. Don’t worry, there’s nothing too

The Cabin in the Woods movie poster

Cabin in the Woods lawsuit: Legit or Lame?

On Monday, an Arizona man filed a lawsuit against Joss Whedon, Drew Goddard, Lionsgate Entertainment, and Mutant Enemy (Whedon’s production company) claiming that the movie The Cabin in the Woods infringes on his copyright. Notably, the suit was filed on April 13, 2015, three years to the day after the movie’s theatrical release, which puts it

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