
The Stranger, Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Who Is The Stranger in The Rings of Power?

One of the mysteries that J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay have set up for the first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is the identity of the unnamed character who comets to Middle-earth near the encampment of the nomadic Harfoots. Known simply as “The Stranger” (Daniel Weyman) in marketing materials […]


Building Fantasy Worlds

The Guardian book blog posted a piece earlier today arguing that fantasy cannot build its imaginary worlds in short fiction. The crux of the argument is that fantasy authors need not just novels, but mega-novels (single stories split into multiple volumes, like The Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire) to build out their ideas. Rather than simply acknowledging that

Mythgard Tree

Mythmoot III and Mythgard Spring courses

So in an hour or so, I’ll be off to Baltimore for Mythmoot III: Ever on…, the third installment of the (nearly) annual academic/fan gathering for the Mythgard Institute. As with last year, I will be presenting a paper. This year, my subject is Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness, specifically about her descriptions of

image courtesy of SuperFantastic @ flickr

Review: “Over There” by Will McIntosh

“Over There” was published in the January 2013 issue of Asmov’s Science Fiction. When a trio of scientists attempt to simultaneously observe collapses of a wave form, reality gets split in two. Everyone, not just the scientists, begin to experience a dual existence, in which their selves in each reality acts independently while simultaneously being

J. R. R. Tolkien

A toast to Tollers*

Today is Tolkien’s birthday — his “twelfty-first,” as some have pointed out, in reference to Bilbo’s “eleventy-first” birthday celebration at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring — and all across the world, folks are lifting a pint (or whatever amount) of ale (or whatever drink) in remembrance of one of the greatest author’s of the twentieth


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as a Twitter feed

I wrote this back when my Mythgard class was talking about C. S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Not sure how good it is, but hey, you can let me know. Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev goin to the country #bombssuck Lucy Pevensie @LucyPev check out this wardrobe I found: #old #furniture Lucy Pevensie

The Magicians, by Lev Grossman

Review: Grossman’s “The Magicians”

So, I’m a little late to reading Lev Grossman’s The Magicians, considering the sequel is out now. But then, I didn’t even hear about it until last September when I sawa brief mention at The Volokh Conspiracy, and have only just had the chance to get to it. Anyway, I liked it a lot. The

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