
Grammar Nazi
Language, Life

Wars of Prescription

Several discussions, occurrence and articles over the last few months have led me to develop a unifying thought about the concept of linguistic prescription and its manifestation in the social and political realms. In particular, it seems to me that many of the world’s great debates, and the problems that arise from them, are centered […]

Pelagian, the handsome heretic

You might be a secular Pelagian if…

I recently took the Which Early Christian Heresy Are You? quiz  and my result was Arianism. I posted on Facebook my disappointment at not receiving Pelagianism. But after a few days of contemplation, I’ve started to wonder if I’m really that disappointed. Pelagianism and Me In a nutshell, Pelagianism is the idea that there is no


Mesotheism and miracles

I’ve been contemplating a concept for awhile now that I call “mesotheism” – that is, a middling belief in an overarching spiritual power, which many people call “god.” The idea is that there is a valid positive belief somewhere between theism and atheism that isn’t due merely to confusion, weak will or apathy. Some people

Free Will, by Sam Harris

Sam Harris’ “Free Will” and the moral imperative

I just finished Sam Harris’ new book on Free Will. It’s a shortish tome, only about 66 pages plus notes, but it doesn’t suffer for its brevity, and it may even be praised for it’s succinctness and clarity. The basic premise is this: That free will is a sham. Based on recent neurological experiments, we

Flying spaghetti monster

Theism and atheism, religion and zealotry

Kennedy — the erstwhile MTV VJ (when MTV still had had Vs to J, and no that’s not a euphemism) — published an article over at the other day explaining why she thinks atheism is a religion. As a mesotheist, I’ve often thought that some atheists exhibit some similar tendencies as theists, so I

Tim Minchin

Tim Minchin in Boston

Last night, I saw pianist Tim Minchin play at the Wilbur Theater in Boston with two of my friends, Dave and Matt. I never heard of the guy before a few weeks ago when Dave asked if I wanted to go. Not having many expectations going into it, I have to say I was absolutely

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