
The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin

L’esprit de l’escalier sur Le Guin

So, I’m home from Mythmoot III, where yesterday I presented my paper on Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness. Overall, I think it went pretty well. Twenty minutes always goes by fast. I spent a little too much time on the setup rather than my argument and examples, but I was at […]

Mythgard Tree

Mythmoot III and Mythgard Spring courses

So in an hour or so, I’ll be off to Baltimore for Mythmoot III: Ever on…, the third installment of the (nearly) annual academic/fan gathering for the Mythgard Institute. As with last year, I will be presenting a paper. This year, my subject is Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness, specifically about her descriptions of


Stuff and Goings On

Yeah, it’s been over a month since I’ve blogged. Can I blame it on the shutdown? Well, either way, here’s what I’ve been doing with my time since then. Philology through Tolkien — This trimester at the Mythgard Institute, I’ve been studying philology through Tolkien. The guy who wrote The Hobbit and The Lord of the

Joss in June logo

Joss in June recap

This past weekend I had the privilege of attending Joss in June, an academic conference on the works of Joss Whedon held at Cleveland Community College in Shelby, NC, where I also got my first taste as a presenter. While there, I also had the privilege of meeting a number of great people, including one

Kat & Curt's TV Re-View

Episode 4 of KC TV Re-View, plus Joss in June

Episode 4 of Kat & Curt’s TV Re-View, titled “All Your Bodies Are Belong to Us,” went live last night. We’re in the thick of things, exploring 1869 Cardiff with Mr. Dickens and trying out for the cheerleading squad. If you haven’t joined the fun already, now’s as good a time to start as any.

Courtesy mathias-erhart @ flickr

A brief survey of cabin horror film “top” lists

In preparing for the paper I’m presenting at the Joss in June conference at the end of the month, I’ve run across a bit of a phenomenon. To wit, about 14 – 15 months ago there appears to have set upon the internet commentariat a desire to craft “top” lists of horror movies that featured cabin

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